Tuesday, April 25, 2006

I interviewed a History Professor

I interviewed a Professor in the History Department that I’ve had several history classes with, and written several papers for. He has also written several books so it was interesting to get his opinion on how important grammar is to him and in the field of history. He believes that writing correctness is very important both for students and those working in the field of history. He did however state that in history the emphasis is more on research and documentation, but that it’s impossible to give a well organized professional looking argument if one doesn’t use correct grammar. He says that students that use correct sentence and paragraph format, as well as proper use of commas and semicolons are best able to present a well organized professional paper.


At 8:40 PM , Blogger Stephanie M. said...

Until last term, I had never written a history paper since I have been in college. At first I was terrified to begin, I felt so out of my element. Once I got going though, I realized that history papers consist much of what you said they do: research and documentation. I almost felt like I didn't deserve my grade because I felt like I had to do so little for my paper. It didn't require much original imput, but rather a re-statement of ideas already expressed in the sources I researched. Alas, grammar still holds a lot of importance. How can one expect to be regarded as professional if they don't possess even a basic hold on English grammar?


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